Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 3, 2010

I took the day off work to spend it with Rachel on her fifth birthday! I can't believe how fast she is growing! We went to get her a haircut, then to eat at Schlotsky's, then to Barnes and Noble to pick a couple of books, and then to Chuck E Cheese. Then we went to Nana and Papa's.

More birthday pics

Rachel's fifth birthday

For Rachel's birthday this year we decided to rent a bouncy house and invite her friends from her school. I was worried it was going to rain, but it turned out to be a nice day. She loved her bouncy house and bounced on it until the guy came to pick it up at 8:00 that night. It was a really nice party.


I was out of school Thursday and Friday, so we dyed Easter eggs on Friday. Then on Sunday the Easter Bunny left a basket with candy and some toys in it. We went to church and then over to Nana and Papa's house for lunch. After lunch we had a Easter egg hunt.

Spring Break pics

At the playground in our neighborhood.

Working on workbooks