So here is the last six months in a nutshell.
On the 17th, me, Nana, and Rachel went to see the Nutcracker. I think she enjoyed it. We were on the first row of the balcony and I was scared she was gonna fall over the edge, so I spent most of my time worrying about that, lol.
On the 19th we went to see Santa. I don't even really remember what she asked for, but she enjoys getting to see him.
On the 23rd, Don, Carlene, Dawna, Texie, Mary, Ned, Shonda, Gary, Priceilla, and Gavin came over and I made taco soup. That is the most people I have ever had over and I was a little nervous, but everything went well and I was glad we all got to visit.
On the 26th, I got into a little fender bender when I rear ended someone when I thought they were going forward. That is the first wreck I have ever been in and it sucked. I was on my way home from work and had stayed late for a course catalog fair, so I was tired and it was dark and I just wanted to get home. Oh well, these things happen and at least no one was hurt, of course the person I hit was a guy with 3 kids in the back. Thankfully they were all okay.
On the 28th, everyone came over to my house for Mom's birthday. I made tacos, lol.
Nothing exciting happened.
For Spring Break, we went to Chuck e Cheese one day with Ben and Elizabeth and Nana and Papa. On Friday, Rachel and I went to San Antonio with Mary. We went to the Riverwalk and rode the boats and did a little shopping. In the pictures, you will notice her Flat Stanley for her Flat Stanley project. He also went to France, where Karina's brother Filipe took some pictures of him around Paris.
We died Easter eggs again. Rachel loves doing this.
Then we had an Easter egg hunt in Nana and Papa's backyard.
On April 20th, Rachel had an author's tea at school where they read their published book. Hers was about our cruise to Mexico.
On April 28th, Rachel had her 7th birthday party at Gattiland. She invited a couple of kids from her class, and Doug, Eleanor, Benjamin, and Elizabeth were there and Shonda, Gary, Priceilla, and Gavin, and of course the grandparents. Well Don and Carlene couldn't make it because they were out of town.
On April 29th, Daran and I celebrated our 17th anniversary by going out to eat at Outback Steakhouse.
On Rachel's actual birthday, Nana and Papa came over and we had pizza and cake and ice cream.
I can't believe she is growing up so fast!
On May 4th, Vince Young came to our school to talk to the students and we had a big pep rally.
On May 24th, Rachel knocked out her two front teeth on the monkey bars. They were a little loose, but she hit them on a pole, and they got knocked out. They never found them, but the tooth fairy still left her some money.
Then on May 25th, we were both out of school!!! Thank you Jesus!
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